Wednesday, 31 July 2019

SEX and Hinduism

SEX and Hinduism

Hindu philosophy has been the fountainhead of Hindu religion. It has touched every aspect of Human life and considered it very moderately.
According to Adiparva, sex is not a sin, but it’s a completely natural process and made by nature itself.
Sex had never been a taboo in Hindu society and philosophically had been classified in four different categories.
It has always been one goal of life (KAMA). (Other is Dharma, Artha, and Moksha) According to Hindu texts, the main goals of any human in life are Dharma (Ethics), Artha (Wealth), Kama (Pleasure) and Moksha (Liberation) 
The Mahabharata says that if a woman desires to have sex, then that wish should be fulfilled by a man. If not, then it would mean the end of the society - Urvashi to Arjuna.
Mahabharata also mentions that it is okay to have sex with multiple women and it is not to be considered as sin.
It is also said that in the Mahabharata, a woman could have sex with many men in order to fulfill her desire of having a male child.

Sex as per Hinduism, can be again classified in four categories. We can say as
1.  Dharma SEX
2.  Artha SEX
3.  Kama SEX
4.  Moksha SEX.
Dharma SEX –
The purpose of Dharma Sex is only for creation. Hindu text is full of incidents narrating how auspicious day and time was decided for performing the act of copulation. There may not be any love involved or any desire or attachment, the act was just a duty. 
Whenever a woman approached the suitable man, with the intension of conceiving, whether he is her husband or not, he is obliged to do needful.
This form of copulation is seen among Rishi’s and their wives. There is lot of examples for this. 
Diti, wife of Rish Kashyap approaches him to conceive in evening. Rishi Kashyap warned her that the time is not auspicious, but she insisted. Rishi could not deny her and from the union Datyas (Giants, Typhon or Titans) were born. 
In another story, Kardama obliges to have sex with Devahuti only for the purpose of having a child. After his wife conceives, he retires to the forest. Eventually Devahuti gives birth to Kapila muni
Rishi Ved Viyas also had to fulfill wish of his mother and copulated with Vichitryavirya wives without any desire or love from either side.
There are many numbers of examples of Dharma sex where only duty is involved, no desire or love not even husband is involved.  
Artha SEX
Here the sex is a transaction. It is a service offered in exchange of something, mainly material favors. Here, mainly women provided all pleasures including their body for sex to men who were willing to pay for their services.
Nagar vadhu (Common Bride) is the best example. The most beautiful woman of village was appointed as Nagar Vadhu. She enjoyed a good social status and was allowed to have sex with anyone who was willing to pay for her services. She also kept young female assistances for the purpose.
In Mahabharata, Satyawati offered her body to Rishi Parashar, who in turn, turned her foul smelling body to a sweet scented body. She didn’t have any attraction towards Rishi Parashar. This was only an exchange. Later Satyawati was married to Shantanu only on condition that her offspring will get the throne of Hastinapur.
But there are rare examples for this kind of sex in clans of society. This was only limited to Nagar vadhu, and some lower sects in society.

Kama SEX
Adideva Shiva is a fountain head of Kamasutra, the “Art of Love making”. The kamasutra was written by Nandi (Originally). He narrated the erotic acts and talks between Shiva and Shakti which went during the period of their love making.
This information was later penned by sages and other writers in a period of time. Some main names are Shvetaketu, Babhravya, Dattaka and finally Vatsyayana.  
Kama, the god of Desire and lust, defeated the mightiest warriors, including Shree Brhama, and many rishis, but was only defeated once in whole history.
He was defeated by the greatest Lover and the supreme ascetic, the only one Adi Deva Shiva.    
In kama sex, the purpose is pleasure, nothing else. Here the focus is to indulge the senses and excite the mind and achieve orgasm.
Any kind of sex (Homosexuality, Oral, Anal etc) where only senses and love is exchanged is KAMA sex.  This is what the apsaras lure the rishis with.
Ravana was very handsome and full of lust; many Mountain girls offered him sex for enjoyment.
Similarly King Dushyanta marries Shakuntla (Daughter of Apsara Menka and Rishi Vishwamitra.) in ashram out of mere attraction. But as king Dushyant had Kama sex with Shankutla, it was his duty to support her for rest of her life.
 Agnivarna, the last scion of the famous Raghu clan to which Ram belongs, falls victim to the excesses of kama sex and dies premature death.
Kama Sex was also used as honey trap to deviate enemies from their goal.
Arrange marriages in Hinduism were designed for similar purpose. To have kama sex and also the dignity of society is maintained.  There is no provision of Divorce. If a man chooses a girl for kama sex, he has to support her for life. In turn she manages his house. 

Moksha SEX
Moksha sex is all about activating the kundilini power within men and women through sexual postures. These techniques are described in tantra.
The fountain head of tantra is Adi Shiva. His first disciple is his wife Parvati. Here in the form of Bhairav, he helped Parvati (Bhairavi) to initiate kundilini power and activate the Chakras within hours.
Godess Parvati (in tantra referred as Bhairavi) was able to break free from the unending cycles of birth and death. She became a siddha and capable of receiving and controlling the fierce powers of Shiva (Bhairav).
In tantra, sex is not pleasure, commercial transaction or procreation. Here the tantrik’s aim is to gain magical powers (Siddhi)  and control one of the five elements of nature.          
Many yogis were able to reach the heights of occult powers by using tantra or Moksha Sex. Many were able to get spiritual powers through yoginis (Mystic females)
However Tantra was limited to sages who followed “left-hand” path.
Kama sex and artha sex belonged to Householders.
Whatever the form of Sex, it was humbly accepted by Hindu society. Be it a desire, Duty or Devine, the Ego takes the back seat, just sex (or lovemaking) is done as any other necessity (eating, bathing etc) in life. No fuss in Hinduism.
In total Hindu history, there are very rare (Almost negligible) cases of Rape or kidnapping females to work as sex slaves.
Sex became Taboo only after invaders from central Asia attacked Hindu societies, raped and kidnapped females to work as sex slaves. It is only after that Parda system and early marriage were introduced in society.
Moreover invaders like Aurangzeb destroyed Hindu society and social harmony.  
Bakhtiyar Khilji destroyed total knowledge bank of Hindu scholars. Max Muller distorted Hindu history. It was due to various invaders that the Supreme knowledge and best society had to suffer.   
Adesh Adesh
Shiv Nath